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Class Schedule is Available!


To register for classes fill out the form below and press the submit button. If you are signing up more then one person fill out the following form for each person separately. Checks can be made to HepCat Productions

  • First Name: Last Name:
  • Your e-mail address: (e.g.: [email protected])
  • Address:
  • City: State: Zip:
  • Your phone number (with area code): - -

Check your class or classes:

  • Beginning Lindy Hop (Swing Dancing) - Wednesdays, 7:45pm
  • Intermediate Lindy Hop - Thursdays 7:45pm
  • Rags, Drags, & More! - Thursdays 6:30pm
  • $10 off your total if you are in two class series during the same session!
  • For Classes held in:

Payment Method:

  • Credit from previous register
  • Not Recieved
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Payment Amount: $
  • Check by, or $ Notes:

How did you hear about our dance classes?

  • Recieved a Postcard
  • Picked up a Flyer
  • From the Web Page
  • I am a previous student
  • Saw a Sign, where?:
  • Heard from a friend:
  • Other:

Other Comments:

Press the submit button below for directions to mail your check or money order to receive the pre-registration discount.

round_corner round_corner
Class Schedule is Available!